Friday, August 30, 2013

Pressy - The Almighty Android Button

Pressy - The Almighty Android Button

When I first stumbled on this amazing idea, it had around 500 "Backers" on Kickstarter. At the time of this writing, it has 6,328 people backing it. The team's initial goal was to raise $40,000 by Oct 14th 2013. However in under 24 they surpassed their goal and have currently raised over $145,000.

So what is it? Two guys named Nimrod Back and Boaz Mendel are trying the bring a product to market that would allow Android users to perform possibly countless actions with the click of a button. This small button fits in the headphone jack of your Android device and, for a little extra, comes with a keychain to hold the button in when you want to use your headphones or other device. They describe how the product works on their kickstart page.

"Connecting the Pressy Button with the free Pressy app lets you easily customize and use your favorite, everyday actions. For example, if you use your flashlight on regular basis, set a Click-combination the app for turning on your flashlight and start clicking the Button!

Getting started using Pressy couldn’t be any easier. Plug the Pressy Button to the headphone jack, download the free app, and you’re good to go. Click the Pressy button and see your phone’s flashlight turn on. Click it again and it turns off. As simple as that.

Pressy comes with 3 pre-set Actions, but once you get the hang of things you can customize clicking behavior and trigger dozens of different actions."

The app will come with several preconfigured actions on release and the developers plan to release APIs and an SDK when the product launches. This means that any developer will be able to integrate the Pressy button into their application, making the possibilities potentially limitless.

The second I saw this on Kickstarter I decided to back it. I honestly think it looks like a great product and I want as many people as possible to hear about it. You can find their Kickstarter page here. Let me know what you think about Pressy in the comments.
